Community Church Wurtsboro NY
134 Sullivan St. (845) 888-5626
Community Church Wurtsboro NY
The Community Church of Wurtsboro is part of the Reformed Church in America. In this constantly changing world, we like to say we’re “reformed and reforming according to the word of God.” We embrace fresh ideas and hold on to what’s best about our deep, rich past. The Reformed Church in America is almost 400 years old. In Wurtsboro, we believe in creating a faith community that's as rooted in the gospels as it is in one another. Join us next Sunday and see how our community comes together to worship God with our whole hearts as we witness to His love and saving grace.
Faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. It's a part of who we are, inside and out. At The Community Church of Wurtsboro, we believe in sharing the joy of the gospels daily, and living a life that embodies the spirit of Christ.
Our Mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and using our gifts; to minister to our community; to show respect and love to all persons and God's creation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will provide a place of refuge to people searching for strength and growth through the Christian Faith.
The Community Church of Wurtsboro
The Community Church of Wurtsboro 845-888-5626 Wurtsboro, NY 12790 US